Changing the world by sparking every child’s imagination, sense of discovery and learning through the power of play.
Play is powerful. While often dismissed as “just fun,” play is the vital activity that children use to learn about and interact with their world, and gain the mental, physical, and social skills necessary to succeed in their adult lives.
Your tax-deductible gift not only makes play possible, but it also opens a world of possibilities to children throughout our community.
Make a One-Time gift in support of the Museum’s mission
Set Up a Recurring Monthly Gift to become a Sustainer
Thomas Edison's Secret Lab +
Over 37,000 guests got hands-on with STEM concepts and fun opportunities to actively participate in the scientific process.
Rube Goldberg +
Over 31,000 guests created and activated chain-reaction devices using everyday objects to complete simple tasks in the most overcomplicated, inefficient, and hilarious ways.
Storyland +
50,000 guests stepped into a one-of-a-kind literary experience as beloved children’s books came to life.
the program this year.
“These programs support our STEAM learning goals and targets. The programs cemented my students' scholarly understanding of the world around us."
After Family Free Day
children learn.
learned something new at the Museum.
and caregivers served by weekly,
mobile preschool experiences.
Individual Giving
Tomorrow’s global citizens and workforce are being shaped by the Museum’s mission today. In order to make all of the exhibits and programs inside and outside possible, we rely on generous donations from our community. Admission and membership sales cover approximately half of the Museum’s general operating costs. Your tax-deductible gift helps make up the rest.
Corporate & Foundation Giving
A gift to Children’s Museum of Atlanta is an investment in our children’s future. Corporate and Foundation support is invaluable to the continuation and growth of our exhibits, educational programs, and community outreach efforts. To learn more about how your organization can contribute and partner, please contact the Advancement Team at (404) 420-9195.
Donate Stock
CMA has enabled our supporters to make stock donations in 10 minutes or less! Click the button below to get started!
Matching Gifts
Let your company double your impact! Please inquire with your Human Resources department to explore how you can increase your contribution.
Planned Giving, bonds, & securities
Your generous support today helps ensure that future generations will benefit from play-based, educational, learning at the Museum. Planned gifts of all sizes support Children's Museum of Atlanta's long-term fiscal stability. We are pleased to assist you in a wire transfer when donating securities. For more information, please contact the Advancement Team at (404) 420-9195.
Early Learning Initiatives +
Engaging, interactive, hands-on programs are designed to build knowledge and socialization skills geared towards school readiness.
Community Outreach +
Beyond the Museum walls, CMA brings a unique blend of performance-based and hands-on educational programs to deserving families and children living throughout Atlanta.
Traveling Exhibits +
Throughout the year, the Museum's Morph Gallery transforms into new and exciting spaces opening a world of possibilities to young guests.
Subsidized Field Trips +
Nearly 2,000 students who attend Title 1 schools benefit from the Museum's immersive Field Trip programs through our subsidized ticket initiatives.
All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. The Museum is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Our tax-ID number is 58-1785484.