TiNY Teams is a small-group drop-off opportunity that allows parents some extra help and offers children a fun, play-based learning experience!
Two-and-a-half-hour sessions offered once a week over four weeks are designed for children 4-7 years old.
Children will be placed in small "teams" or "pods" (5 children or less) to allow for social distancing. Each team will be assigned one Museum play-facilitator. Children will remain in the same team pod each week. Pre-organized pods are welcomed!
Friday, Oct. 17
Prices & Times:
AM Session - begins at 9:00 AM
PM Session - begins at 2:00 PM
$150 - Non-Member
$125 - Member
Price is per child/per 4-week series
Series 2 Dates & Themes:
October 21: Seasons/Harvest
October 28: Color Your World
November 4: Music & Sound
November 11: Space
Wednesdays | 2.5 hour sessions
October 21: Seasons/Harvest
- Storytime: Tree by Britta Teckentrup
- Leaf rubbings and bean sprouters
- Tissue paper season wreath
- Planting/watering activity in the Farm
November 4th: Music & Sound
- Storytime: Violet's Music by Angela Johnson
- Sound and pitch exploration
- DIY bean tambourine
- Instrument Play at the stage
October 28: Color Your World
- Storytime: Mix it Up by Herve Tullet
- Chromatography butterflies
- Slime Color Theory
- I Spy in the exhibits
November 11th: Space
- Storytime: Mae Among the Stars by Roda Ahmed
- Flash paper and levitation
- Solar System Marble Art
- Asteroid toss in Morph Gallery
TiNY Team FAQs
At this time, aftercare is NOT provided for TiNY Teams. Late pick up fees of $1/minute will be charged at time of pick up.
TiNY Teams is designed for 4-6 year old children (pre-K - 1st grade)
Children will be very active during their session; they should wear weather-appropriate, comfortable clothing, and closed-toe, athletic-style shoes. Flip-flops are not permitted. Please label any jackets or sweaters with the child’s name.
We require a “just in case” pair of clothes. Please pack the clothes in a plastic bag with the child’s name on it.
The Museum will use the Brightwheel app as the primary source of communication between Museum team members and parents. Brightwheel is available for both Android and iPhone users. Parents will be invited to join Brightwheel and should download the app prior to the start date of their child’s TiNY Teams series.
If a CMA staff member or child has reported (indirect or direct) exposure to Covid-19, they will be brought to a designated isolation area until able to leave the building and asked to quarantine for 14 days and may not return to the TiNY Teams unless they have been symptom and fever-free for at least 3 consecutive days. TiNY Teams parents/caregivers will be notified within 24 hours. The exposed staff member’s name or child's name will not be given. Parents/caregivers will have the option to pull their child from TiNY Teams with reimbursement of any fees paid for future school days.
If a TiNY Teams Museum Educator or student has contracted the virus, their entire TiNY Teams group will be asked to quarantine for 14 days. The staff member or student that tested positive for COVID-19 may not return to TiNY Teams until they have met the following criteria:
- At least 10 days have passed since symptom onset and;
- At least 3consecutive days have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and other symptoms have improved.
TiNY Teams parents/caregivers will be notified within 24 hours but the staff member’s name or child’s name of the person who contracted the virus will not be given.
275 Centennial Olympic Park Drive
Atlanta, GA 30313
Click HERE for directions to the Museum.
Drop-off takes place on the Baker Street side of the Museum. The drop-off lane is available from 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM for the 1st session and from 1:30 PM – 2:00 PM for the 2nd session. Children will be checked in outside using the Brightwheel app and Museum team members will conduct temperature checks during drop-off. We ask that parent & child stay in the vehicle until a Museum team member approaches you. Parent & child should have masks on when exiting the vehicle. Parents will need to wait until temperature check and the Brightwheel check-in are completed to leave. If a child has a temperature of 100.4 or higher they will not be allowed to participate in TiNY Teams that day. Parents will not be permitted inside the Museum.
Late Drop-Off: Please notify the Museum through Brightwheel upon arrival so a team member can check you in.
All children are required to wear cloth, CDC-approved facemasks for the duration of their session. We recommend labeling facemasks with the child’s name. Facemask breaks are incorporated into the daily schedule.
The Museum does not serve food; however, snack time is included in our daily schedule. Children must bring their own snacks and drinks with them from home. Please label lunch boxes with the child’s name.
Children cannot share snacks. Snacks should not contain any peanut products. Children will not have access to a microwave, and for health and safety purposes, the water fountains are not available. Please let us know if your child has food allergies on our Health & Safety Information sheets.
We are taking every precaution to keep your children safe while they are participating in our TiNY Teams program. We are constantly evaluating our policies and procedures to follow the current recommended health and safety guidelines as recommended by the CDC, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, and local and state officials. Temperature checks and health screenings will be held at the time of drop-off. Parents should wait until their child’s temperature check is completed. Frequent hand washing, access to hand sanitizer, and maintaining social distancing of 6 ft. or greater where possible will also be implemented. Please note: TiNY Teams members will have passive exposure to CMA check-in staff and other Teams due to the structure of the Museum. Additional enhanced cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing measures are in place throughout the Museum.
In Addition:
- Parents will be sent a survey before their arrival each session, reminding them not to bring their child if they have any of the common COVID-19 symptoms.
- All children will be required to wear facemasks.
- Children will receive temperature checks before entering the Museum. A child with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater will be sent home.
- Children will clean hands with hand sanitizer before entering the Museum, and practice frequent handwashing throughout the day.
If you have any questions or concerns during a TiNY Teams session contact our Manager of Public Programs, Bethany Harris via Brightwheel, by phone 404-527-5909 or email.
TiNY Teams is a drop-off session. For safety purposes, parents will not be permitted to enter the building.
Pick-up takes place on the Baker Street side of the Museum The pick-up lane is available from 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM for the 1st session and from 4:30 PM – 5:00 PM for the 2nd session. Children will be checked out outside using the Brightwheel app. A photo ID will be required during every pick-up. Parents will not be permitted inside the Museum.
Late Pick-Up: If you are late to pick your child up, there will be a $1/minute charge. For the morning sessions, late pickup starts after 12 p.m.; for the afternoon sessions, late pickup begins after 5 p.m.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
TiNY Teams occur twice each program day. Each session will cover the same content. The first session is from 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM. The second session is from 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM.
Should you need to cancel your reservation within 48 hours of booking, the Museum will refund all fees paid. All other cancellations are non-refundable but prorated monies paid can be transferred towards the purchase of other Museum programs. Should the Museum need to cancel your session, we will make every effort to reschedule you to a new date. If we are not able to do so, a refund may be provided.
If you have questions regarding the TiNY Teams program or to reserve your space for TiNY Teams, call our reservations department at 404-527-3693.
Each week of the Series of four-week sessions will have different fun and educational theme.
September 16: Friendship & All About Me
September 23: Weather
September 30: Animals!
October 7: Storytelling
October 21: Seasons/Harvest
October 28: Color Your World
November 4: Music & Sound
November 11: Space
Each week of the four-week sessions has a different fun, educational theme. Children will enjoy exploring and playing in the different Museum Learning Zones with their Teams. Storytime takes place during each session, reinforcing the theme for that day. Teams will experience hands-on science fun at the Science Bar and develop their artistic side in Creativity Café. Each child brings home a craft that they made themselves.
Parents will receive an electronic daily update about what happened in TiNY Teams each day via Brightwheel, filled with pictures, quotes, and details about the session’s events. Sessions come as a four-week packet and cannot be split up.
(Child can only be registered for and attend one session per day.)
CMA staff members will be trained to look for the following symptoms:
- Fever or chills (fever of 100.4 degrees or higher)
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
If you notice any of these symptoms prior to the start of the session please notify the Museum via Brightwheel immediately. If any of these symptoms are identified by a Museum team member, the child will be moved into an isolation area under supervision until an approved adult is able to pick them up. Please note our policies above as it relates to COVID-19 specifically.
The TiNY Teams Leaders are Children’s Museum of Atlanta educators and are employed by the Museum year-round. All TiNY Teams leaders have been trained in early childhood education and have passed a criminal background check.
Each team will have up to 5 children and one designated Museum Educator and will NOT co-mingle with other Teams. The Museum may have up to 6 TiNY Teams during each session.
All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. The Museum is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt & charitable organization. Our tax-exempt number is 58-1785484.