Health & Wellness Fridays: Baking with Silvana

Today we’re going to make delicious tiramisu and learn some Italian with Ms. Silvana! Tiramisu is an Italian dish; the word “tiramisu” means “lift me up.” Baking can be a great way to “lift up” our spirits, especially when we share recipes and memories with family. 

Ingredients & Instructions (italian version below)

  • About 16 to 17 ounces of mascarpone or 2 containers; make sure it is room temperature (you can leave out for 30 minutes prior to preparation)
  • About 1 ½ cups of coffee (espresso, decaf, or chocolate milk)
  • About 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder to sprinkle on top
  • 8 tablespoons sugar
  • 6 extra-large egg yolks (room temperature)
  • 16 Ladyfingers  

Kitchen tools 
A mixing bowl 
A container to hold coffee for dipping 
A baking pan for preparing the tiramisu 

Now that we know what we need, cominciamo (let’s get started).  

  1. Brew coffee or espresso, then let it sit in the fridge to come to room temperature while you make the mascarpone cream | In my family, we make this with coffee, but when you’re making it with kids you can use decaf coffee or even chocolate milk!
  2. Separate egg yolks from the whites of 6 eggs, one at a time, placing into a large mixing bowl 
  3. Whisk together your egg yolks with sugar for about 5 minutes 
  4. Add mascarpone into egg yolk mixture, stir and set aside 
  5. Bring out coffee from the fridge, make sure it is in a long shallow bowl so that you don’t fully submerge the ladyfingers in the coffee.  
  6. Dip each individual savoiardi (ladyfinger) into coffee and place them into your pan, creating an entire layer at the bottom | Whatever liquid you’re using make sure you dip it quickly. No matter what it is, you don’t want to let it soak too long because it will make your tiramisu soggy and no one likes soggy tiramisu. 
  7. Pour the mascarpone cream as your next layer on top of the layer of ladyfingers 
  8. Create another layer of savoiardi, dipping each individual cookie into the coffee again with the same quick movements 
  9. Top it off with another layer of mascarpone cream 
  10. Place cocoa powder in a sifter, gently dust the cocoa powder on top of the last layer 
  11. Refrigerate overnight or wait at least 6 hours, you might want to make it in the afternoon if it’s something you’d like to enjoy after dinner! 
  12. Eat and enjoy! 

Gli ingredienti & Una Ricetta (in italian)

Avete bisogno di
500 g di mascarpone
300 g di caffè della moka già pronto
Un po di Cacao amaro in polvere per la superficie 
100 g di  zucchero (CENTO GRAMMI DI ZUCCHERO)
Sei (6) tuorli d’uovo
Sedici (16) Savoiardi

Gli utensili da cucina:
Una scodella
Una teglia da forno per il caffè
Una teglia da forno

-Preparate il caffè e poi mettetelo in frigo
-Separate i tuorli dagli albumi e poi metteteli in una scodella
-Sbattete i tuorli con lo zucchero per cinque minuti
-Incorporate la mascarpone nela miscela (mishellla) e poi metterla da parte
-Prendete il caffè dal frigo
-Immergete i savoiardi nel caffè e metterli a strati nella teglia da forno
-Distribuite la crema sulli savoiardi
-Fate ancora gli strati con crema e savoiardi
-Spolverate dolcemente il cacao sopra la crema
-Mettetela in frigo durante la notte
-Mangiate e gustate!

Vocab Words

Tiramisu: Lift me up
Una Ricetta: Recipe
Gli ingredienti: Ingredients
Gli utensili da cucina: Kitchen tools
Cominciamo: Let’s begin!
Grazie: Thank you


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