Five-year-olds are very coordinated and have lots of energy. Their fine motor skills are rapidly developing and they can now button their own coats and write letters and numbers. Five-year-olds are beginning to learn to read and to recognize symbols. They are actively solving problems and trying to figure out how the world works.
Five-year-olds are still developing socially and are learning how to share with others. They are beginning to understand the difference between today, yesterday, and tomorrow and are putting stories into sequences with a beginning, middle, and end. They often use art and music to tell a story or express and idea.
I am still running, but now I might be able to catch a bouncing ball, climb trees and balance on one foot for as much as fifteen seconds! I am able to button and zip my own clothes and cut with scissors.
Activity in the Museum: The Treehouse in Leaping Into Learning is a wonderful space for physical fun and exploration. Activities at the Sand Tables and Paint Wall in Let Your Creativity Flow can help strengthen hand muscles used for writing.
I can understand the difference between fantasy and reality, but I still enjoy make-believe and experimenting with different roles during play.
Activity in the Museum: Look for places around the museum to play pretend: be a cook at the Diner in Fundamentally Food, play dress up in On Stage CMA in Let Your Creativity Flow, or be a delivery truck driver in Fundamentally Food.
I like to count (to 20 or even higher!) and sort and organize things into different categories.
Activity in the Museum: The Rocket Launch Pad in Gateway to the World is a fun and dynamic place to engineer a trip to space.
I am getting to be good at collaborating with other children and working together.
Activity in the Museum: The Ball Machines in Tools For Solutions offer so many opportunities to experiment and figure out how the balls are moved by the simple machines. Teamwork in this exhibit is sometimes necessary.
I love drawing letters and numbers and am learning to write my own name.
Activity in the Museum: Use the realistic food and labels in the Grocery Store of Fundamentally Food to get all the items on your grocery list. You could also sort the foods by restocking the shelves.