One-year-olds are quickly expanding their range of physical capabilities as they are more aware of and in control of their bodies. They love to crawl, creep, walk, and climb on furniture and thrive in large, safe, spaces. They can stack two or three blocks and enjoy taking things apart and taking items in and out of containers, boxes, and cupboards.
One-year-olds are having fun learning about words and becoming more social with parents, grandparents, and other children around them. They are curious and are learning through their senses. They also enjoy simple songs and rhymes, clapping and shaking musical instruments.
I am learning to walk with improved balance and can explore new spaces. I might stop to pick up an interesting object.
Activity in the Museum: Push a buggy in the Grocery Store of Fundamentally Food to help develop motor skills. Stack blocks in Tools for Solutions.
I am discovering things through trial and error.
Activity in the Museum: On the Continent Tables in Gateway to the World, experiment with linking trains together and pushing them on the tracks.
I am becoming increasingly aware and interested in living things in my environment.
Activity in the Museum: On the Farm in Fundamentally Food, talk about and explore the milking cow. Collect and count eggs from the chickens.
I am developing my self-confidence. I want try some things by myself, as long as you are close by to help if needed.
Activity in the Museum: Try new sounds and textures in Leaping into Learning and Let Your Creativity Flow.
I am exploring vocabulary and developing an understanding of words.
Activity in the Museum: Order a meal from your toddler in the Cafe of Fundamentally Food. Sit together in the quiet Family Resource Room to read a book.